PUNE: Over 15,000 students from Maharashtra cleared the common entrance test (CET) for the five-year law course, the results of which were announced online on Tuesday. The admission process would be conducted based on the CET merit list, which would be announced soon. The director of higher education Dhanraj Mane said, “In the exam conducted by the higher secondary directorate,Continue reading


As many as 500 engineering students from the city were recently given training in eSkills Employability Enhancement Programme. eClerx — a global provider of critical business operations services to over 50 Fortune 500 companies — and NASSCOM Foundation, carried out the intensive training programme. The students were trained in industry aligned courses in Analytics andContinue reading


PUNE: The Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) has awarded two first-year students the prestigious Inlaks India Foundation scholarship for the current academic year, which is worth Rs 1 lakh each. The students, Fareeda AM of the video editing department, and Samridhi Dutta, who studies acting, received the scholarship amount from the FTII director Bhupendra Kainthola on Monday, in the presenceContinue reading


Aishwarya Tupe, Sanjana Jadon and Chaitrali Padamwar of SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture, Undri, have emerged winners in the open ideas design competition for smart community markets organised by Pune Smart City Development Corporation Limited (PSCDCL). The competition was announced three months ago and 15 architectural colleges were invited to participate, out of which, sevenContinue reading